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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The former name of DU’s Dr Muhammad Shahidullah Hall

With a history spanning more than a century, Dhaka University boasts not just iconic buildings and revered alumni, but it is also full of trivia and finer details. 

For example, Dr Muhammad Shahidullah Hall was previously known as Dacca Hall, and it was one of the first three residential halls of DU. 
When we refer to the very familiar Shahidullah Hall, our minds do not often register the legendary maestro of a man after whom this student residence is named, let alone the fact that it was once referred to as Dacca Hall. 
Dr Muhammad Shahidullah was an educationist, writer, linguist, polyglot — a scholar unparalleled.He joined Dhaka University as a lecturer in 1921, the year the university was established. He investigated the origins of Bangla language. He studied the history of Bangla literature. From Sanskrit to Arabic, and from Urdu to Tibetan, he knew many languages.
Dr Shahidullah was among the first to point out that Bangla should be made a state language of Pakistan. Remember that the next time you pass by this hall, and maybe drop by to visit his grave, which is near the main gate of the hall premises. 
Sources: Dhaka University website; Banglapedia
